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Scrap Express

Scrap Express is Gorakhpur First Branded Waste Management Company. Usually people through the waste here and there or they call the street KoodaWalas to remove the daily scrap collected from home. Scrap Express have there well defined steps to carry out. One can make a request call to Scrap Express by placing the schedule pickup option displayed on website. It will be notified to Team Scrap Express and they will be active as soon as they get notified. A Scrap Express Executive will come and weigh the respective scrap according to the price list active on their website. After these all procedure the Scrap Express Executive will provide the scrap price amount hand to hand.

The Story Behind

Mr Mohit Gupta and Mr Prashant Singh approaches us from travelling to many city side amateur developers. Those were unable to show them the delight to work with. They need someone to not only develop their portal but also suggest how to grow digitally. Mr Gupta explained the way of working on offline mode. Our team suggested them how to cater all his need in digital channel.


As the brand was new they want the logo to be developed but the main challenges behind this was the color, the vector used and the font selection. As the name scrap express which is brand for the scrap it will be compact and can be easily used to further merchandising. Other Challenges was to develop a portal which can be user friendly for both the Scrap Express Team and the User who will use the portal to grow further


We first provided them the couple of green and recycle vector images to develop compact logo. Mr Prashant was very eager to develop a logo with some of his idea. When we presented the logo with light green background and top down written compact text “Scrap Express”. It was Awesome the word came out from both lips. Then the portal we took good designing and development work. We work on banners, quotes and icons to match to the theme. And finally the development task was too done which cater by User Dashboard and Admin Dashboard to manage their things easily.

From The Client

Met the very energetic and creative team in the city. They are the boon for Eastern UP for IT Development

Scrap Express

Mohit Gupta

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