What are Website and Web Portals ?

What are Website and Web Portals ?

Nowadays Web Portals are the one of the loved launching vehicle to overall growth of a Firm. A user gains an access of driving broad array of resources, while a website is a destination in itself.

Portals and websites are distinct entities which often overlap and complement each other to enhance the functionalities. A web portal and website should be strongly linked together, but they should not replace each other.

There is a very hair line boundary where a Website Grows to Portal. Website represents an organization to outside world, but a portal provides multiple user roles with a common access point. A website is also a portal, if it broadcast information from different independent resources, thus offering a public service function to visitors.

Web Portal

Web portal ("portal" means "doorway" or "entrance") refers to a website or service that offers a broad array of resources and services such as email, forums, search engines, customer manage and online shopping malls.

  • It’s an organized gateway that helps to configure the access to information found on the internet.

  • Web portal applications offers consistent look and feel with access control &procedures for multiple applications and databases.


A website refers to a location on the internet and a collection of webpages, images, videos which are addressed relative to a common Uniform Resource Location (URL).

  • It’s nothing but a domain name hosted on a server which is accessible via a network called internet or private local area network.

  • Owning a website becomes an essential part for any businesses and company with no web presence is just running the risk of losing the business opportunities.

To know more about Website and Portal related Services.  you can visit to our website [email protected] For more enquires you can call us at 9628092950, 9628092951

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