Why a Color Theme is Necessary for Creating a Brand?

Why a Color Theme is Necessary for Creating a Brand?

Selecting a color palette is one of the most impactful choices you can make while developing your Business. Choosing the right logo colors can highlight your business strengths and help you attract the right customers. And, as you might guess, the wrong combination can have the reverse effect.

Design is a most powerful tool for connecting with your lovable audience and is often the first visual signal that communicates what your brand is about. Thoughtful and innovative design raises brand visibility, connects people to the brands and products they love, and acts as the basis for an emotional connection. Design in marketing is so powerful because it speaks to customers often without words, and a successful design will make sense for a predetermined conclusion and reinforce key brand messages.

Color is one of the most powerful ways to connect with an audience and should be a top priority in marketing and brand design. Depending on the product, research has shown up to 90% of snap judgements are made based totally on color. The first opportunity for a company to communicate their brand message visually is to capture the customer’s attention with color. While it isn't the only tool a designer has to communicate with the audience, it may be the most powerful. The power of color is in its ability to create an emotional connection between a customer and a brand.

Your Color speaks your Business

Using more than one color has an effect on the overall feel of a design and can change audience perceptions. A combination like blue and green creates a peaceful and organic feeling, but switch green for orange and the effect is fresh and energizing, a vastly different perception.https://www.greymattermarketing.com/administration/media/images/blog/LOGO.jpg 

Understanding your brand's complex personality, you can select multiple colors to communicate the desired emotional effect to the audience. Many recognizable healthcare companies share similar themes; the color blue being dominate in many of those. Some standout c

Companies use unique color combinations including blue or break the mold by omitting the hue entirely, while still conveying their message.

What different color speaks about Different Feelings?


Red is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color, often stimulating people to take risks, according to color think tank, Pantone. It has also been shown to stimulate the senses and raise blood pressure, and it may arouse feelings of power, energy, passion, love, aggression, or danger.


Yellow is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color. It may stimulate feelings of optimism and hope or cowardice and betrayal.


Blue is often associated with the coolness of the sea and sky. It has been shown to calm the senses and lower blood pressure. It may stimulate feelings of trust, security, order, and cleanliness.


Orange is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color. It may stimulate feelings of energy, balance, and warmth.


Green is often associated with the coolness of leaves. People often associate it with nature, health, good luck, and jealousy.


Purple is generally considered a low-arousal color. It may stimulate feelings of spirituality, mystery, royalty, or arrogance.

Stand out from the competition
The key to an effective logo is brand recognition. So if you want to stand out, it’s a good idea to choose a color palette that differs dramatically from those of your largest competitors. Ford Motor Company, for example, introduced its famous blue oval nearly a century ago, and it remains a powerful brand identifier as well as a symbol of the company’s reliability. By contrast, Land Rover, while employing an oval design element in its logo, uses a forest green palette to emphasize its adventurous off-road feel.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and design your brand logo from CodesGesture. We are waiting for you.


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